Stewards of the future
The progression of the unknowing infant confirmed by the care and curiosity of a child..
My GTB took his first crawl scoots the other day. He protested his advancement over and over until he overcame and made it happen. It was a joy to behold.
That evening I went out to teach in the park and themed the practice around how we often see the challenge we are faced with as unachievable, frustrating or exhausting in the immediate moment. And how quickly we forget and move to the next challenge or accomplishment not necessarily acknowledging how moving through that feat helped us become stronger and more in touch with self. (Yep class was sequenced to long hold bear crawls, of course).
During class I noticed a little boy, probably 5 or 6, riding his bike in the park. He was enamored by our practice. He would pause and listen and ride on and return to sit in the grass. At the end of class he slowly walked to my mat and handed me one of the mot beautiful and interesting flowers I have ever see. “This is for you” he said. I shared my gratitude and appreciation for him listening to the class and welcomed him to join anytime. He left with a smile and glow and I was left with the thought of how the teachings attract the most beautiful and open souls. And how our world will be in good hands if these stewards of the future are as curious and loving as this young man.
The class was inspired by the progression of the unknowing infant and confirmed by the caring and curiosity of a child. It warms me to see the divine in our children and to be so moved by the lessons they have no idea they are teaching us.